This article revolves around an interview between EL and Jane M. Healy. Healy is an author an educator who has many opinions about the use of technology in the classroom. She thinks that computers can be useful in the classroom if used correctly. In Healy's opinion, the teacher is the most important part of the classroom dynamic; without a teacher who knows what he/she is doing, the technology is not going to do any good. She addresses the issue of teachers not knowing as much about technology as their as students by reminding us that we don't need to have all the answers! Sometimes we ask our students questions in order to cause them to think about it, rather than looking for a definitive answer. With that said, she does mention that teachers should not be forced to use technology that they do not yet feel comfortable with. In regard to technology and the child's brain, Healy stated that we know it does have an effect but we aren't too sure yet exactly how much. As educators, it is our job to make sure the educational software is really educational. Overall, Healy believes that at this point in time, technology is harming our children rather than helping them. In her opinion, it is more important to have a good teacher than a ton of technology. In our classrooms, we need to teach our students to be critical thinkers in order to be ready for the future of incredible "machine intelligence."
My mind is beginning to spin. I have read so many articles of opposing views regarding technology. Is it good or bad to use it in our classrooms? I think we all have to make up our own minds about this topic because there is not one right answer! When reading this article, I agreed with Healy on many different levels. At the same time, I think technology in the classroom can open many new windows for learning. I am worried about the potential negative impact computers may be having on the brains of children. After reading this article, I am interested in doing some further research to learn more about this. I think Healy is right; technology can be a helpful tool, but without a knowledgeable teacher, it is useless!
ReplyDeleteI really like how you put a lot of emphasis in your summary and reaction on the fact that, "the teacher is the most important part of the classroom dynamic; without a teacher who knows what he/she is doing, the technology is not going to do any good".. A teacher could ahve every technological tool known to mankind and not know how to teach his/her students! We can't let the pressure to use new technologies eclipse the principle that it is going to be our job to TEACH students! I agree that I am anxious to figure out how I can use the optimal level and appropriate resources in my classroom.
Great post, and happy birthday!!
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ReplyDeleteMy mind is beginning to spin as well. When i read these articles it astonishes me how bias some of them are. They only focus on one side of the idea. As with you i think that technology in the classroom can open new windows of learning, but i don't think it should diminish the role of the teacher either. In my mind i think technology in the classroom should be used to enhance the education the teacher is passing on to his/her students.
ReplyDeleteI really like your summary and reflection, I enjoy that you ask questions in your reflection because I feel like many people do have questions have reading so many articles you said that have such opposing sides. I personally feel like technology can be a great aspect of the classroom, I personally feel like we have learned some great ways to implement technology into the classroom in our IT class alone and there are probably way more, it is just a matter of researching what would be productive and what would be a waste of time in the classroom. I also definitely think that there is a limit/boundary as to how much technology should be used in the classroom and I do not think that it should ever completely take over the classroom!
Great job Jessica I really enjoyed your article summary!
I hope someone does do more research on the effects of technology, not just software companies! Throughout the interview, Healy sounds very disgruntled about how technology is used in schools and at home. I would argue that I have seen how it is effecting kids negatively in terms of social skills and health problems. What scares me even more is how administrators are throwing money into new technologies in hope that they fix learning problems. I'm curious to how much the budget cuts in school have effected technology. I know many arts and resources have been cut, but what about tech?
ReplyDeleteInstead of banking on new educational software to solve our problems, how about banking on sending teachers to places where they can learn more about proven intervention strategies? Maybe that is happening more than I know, but from what Healy is saying, we may be throwing an obscene amount of money at the wrong solution to education problems. A solution that may be doing more harm than good.